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قديم 09-04-2018, 07:37 AM
تاريخ التسجيل: 16-12-2013
الدولة: القاهرة
العمر: 57
المشاركات: 6,803
معدل تقييم المستوى: 10
بهاء الدين شلبي تم تعطيل التقييم
افتراضي فهرس المخطوطات الشرقية في مكتبة الفاتيكان

30. Assemani, Giuseppe, Simone.
Bibliotheca Orientalis Clementino-Vaticana in qua Manuscriptos Codices Syriacos, Arabicos, Persicos, Tur
cicos, Hebraicos, Samaritanos, Armenicos, Aethiopicos, Graecos, Aegyptiacos, Ibericos, & Malabaricos.....
أمضــى اللبنانــي يوســف الســمعاني المتخــرج مــن مدرســة رومــا القســم الاكبــر مــن حياتــه فــي انجــاز هــذا العمــل المرجعي الضخــم. قــدم الســمعاني فــي هــذا العمــل لأول مرة المخطوطات العربية، والســريانية، والاثيوبية، والارمنية، والفارســية، والعبريــة اضافــة الــى اليونانيــة المحفوظــة فــي مكتبــة الفاتيــكان. نشــر هــذا البحــث فــي رومــا ما بيــن 1728 و 1719

فهرس المخطوطات الشرقية مكتبة الفاتيكان

Folio. 390 x 264 mm, Volume I: Part I: De Scriptoribus Syris Orthodoxis: [38], 648 pp., [1 errata], lacking engraved
frontispiece, Latin and Syriac text / Volume II: De Scriptoribus Syris Monophysitis: [167], 546 pp., [2 errata] / Volume
III: De Scriptoribus Syris Nestorianis: [36], 709 pp., Latin, Syriac and Arabic text / Volume III: Part II: De Syris Nestori
anis: [32], 963 pp., half-titles, titles printed in red and black with engraved vignette, a few engraved vignettes in the
text, double column per page, index, contemporary vellum boards, soiled and worn, with portions of top and bottom
spine compartments missing, ink shelf number on spines, Volume 1 front joint cracked, cords intact, Volume 2 spine
missing leather lettering piece; occasional browning and marginal damp staining, Bookplates of St. Caroli Borromei, a
wide-margined set, Typis Scarae Congregationis de Propaganda Fide, Rome, 1719-1728.
First edition of the author’s magnum opus, a monumental bio-bibliography of Syriac literature based on the manuscript holdings
of the Vatican Library. This edition was almost entirely destroyed by fire which broke out in 1768 in Assemani’s apartment near
the Vatican Library. The large part of this monumental work was collected by Assemani himself, who returned from a collecting
expedition to Egypt and Syria that took place from 1715 to 1717, carrying more than 150 manuscripts, which were placed in
the Vatican Library, where they formed the nucleus of the library’s subsequently famous collection of Oriental manuscripts.
Joseph Assemani was one of the Lebanese scholars who studied in Rome, and who had a profound impact on the field
of Oriental studies in Europe in the 18th century. Assemani devoted most of his life carrying out an extensive plan for
editing and publishing the most valuable Syriac, Arabic, Ethiopic, Armenian, Persian, Hebrew and Greek manuscripts
kept in the Vatican Library. Besides his various publications on a wide range of Oriental subjects, this work is consid
ered his best achievement. It was supposed to contain twenty volumes, of which six were supposed to cover Oriental
languages, four Greek and the last ten other languages, but he was only able to finish three volumes before his death.
Bibliographic reference: Graf III, 451-53. [4437]

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