منتـدى آخـر الزمـان

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-   -   صور تاريخية لمكة المكرمة (1884م-1889م (https://www.ezzman.com/vb/t5184/)

محمد عبد الوكيل 05-04-2020 12:50 AM

صور تاريخية لمكة المكرمة (1884م-1889م
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

صور تاريخية من مكة وجدة تعود للقرن التاسع عشر ميلادي

الصور من كتابي Christiaan Snouck Hurgronje بعنوان ‘Bilder-Atlas zu Mekka’ و 'Bilder aus Mekka'

(لاستعمال خاصية التقريب عالية الدقة برجاء الدخول على رابط مصدر الصور، العناوين أعلى الصور مترجمة بتصرف من وصف مكتبة قطر الوطنية لمحتوى كل صورة المكتوب باللغة الإنجليزية )


الحرم المكي


Genre/Subject Matter

This panoramic view over Mecca showing most of the Masjid al-Haram and the northwest portion of the city is likely a print of a drawing after a photograph or series of photographs of the same view by the Mekkan photographer, and doctor, al-Sayyid ʻAbd al-Ghaffār.

Numbers printed within the image refer to locations indicated in a key (in German) below the image. These are as follows: Office of the Qādhi; Castle on Jebel Hindi; Building housing the Zamzam well; Minbar; Maqām al-H̱anafī; Maqām al-Mālikī; and Maqām al-H̱anbalī.

An additional note in German states that ‘the steps to the Caaba and the Maqām Ibrahīm, which is also the Maqām el-Schāfi’ī’, are obscured from view by the Zamzam building.'

Physical characteristics

164 x 410 mm


1 line engraving after a photograph, printed onto two pages and bound into volume


The print is in good condition with only minor surface dirt throughout.



Written in
German in Latin script

المصدر: هنا

محمد عبد الوكيل 05-04-2020 12:53 AM

من معالم الحرم المكي آنذاك المقام الشافعي والمالكي والحنفي والحنبلي، نلاحظ المبنى العثماني الأبيض في الخلفية المرقم ب [12] في الصورة، يسمى بالحاميدية وستأتي صورة له لاحقا، وكذلك نلاحظ حصن أو قلعة أجياد أعلى الصورة


Genre/Subject Matter :

This south-southwest view inside the Masjid al-Haram of the Caaba and surrounding structures is a print of a drawing after a photograph of the same view by the Meccan photographer, and doctor, al-Sayyid ʻAbd al-Ghaffār. This photograph, in the collection of the Universiteit Leiden's Oriental Institute, is reproduced as Fig. 14 in F. E. Peters, The Hajj: The Muslim Pilgrimage to Mecca and the Holy Places , Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 1994.

In the left background, a fortified structure can be seen. This is identified as ‘Jiyad Castle’. Some Ottoman-era buildings can be seen in the nearer background, immediately outside of the mosque, including a large pale-coloured building almost immediately below the castle. This is referred to as the Hamidiyah and is likely a building constructed during the reign of the Ottoman Sultan Abdulhamid II.

Numbers printed within the image refer to locations indicated in a key (in German) below the image. These are as follows: Gate of the Banī Shaybah; The Hijr [Ismail]; Building housing the Zamzam well; Stairs to the Caaba; Maqām Ibrahīm, which is also the Maqām el-Schāfi’ī’; Minbar; Maqām al-H̱anafī; Maqām al-Mālikī; Maqām al-H̱anbalī; front-side of the Hamidiyah.


Printed above image, in ink:


Printed beneath image, in ink:

‘Die Moschee.’

‘1. Das Thor der Benī Schēbah. 2. Das H̱idjr. 3. Gebنudes Zemzembrunnens. 4 und 5. Treppen zur Ka’bah. 6. Maqām Ibrāhīm (zugleich Maqām ès-Schāfi’ī). 7. Mimbar (Kanzel) 8. Maqām èl-H̱anafī. 9. Maqām èl-Mālikī. 10. Maqām èl-H̱ambalī. 11. Vorderseite der H̱amīdijjah. 12. Die Festung des Djijād.’

Scattered throughout image: numbers 1–12

Extent and format
1 print (possibly lithographic) of a drawing after a photograph
Physical characteristics

199 x 260 mm


1 print of a drawing after a photograph, bound into volume


The print is in good condition with only minor surface dirt throughout.



Written in
German in Latin script

المصدر: هنا

محمد عبد الوكيل 05-04-2020 12:55 AM

نلاحظ جبل أبي قبيس خلف الكعبة


Genre/Subject Matter:

This west-southwest view inside the Masjid al-Haram of the Caaba and, behind it, the sacred mountain Jebel Abu Qubays (1220 ft / 460 m), which overlooks the Masjid al-Haram to the east. At the summit stands a squat, apparently unfinished structure which later became the Bilal mosque, according to later photographs, for example Photo 174/5 ( c. 1907).

The buildings that line the foothills of Abu Qubays, feature distinctive Ottoman-era architectural features, such as a roshan (known elsewhere as mashrabiyya, or enclosed balcony), which are almost unchanged almost twenty years later in the same view by the Delhi-based photographers H. A. Mirza & Sons (Photo 174/5).


Printed above image, in ink:


Printed beneath image, in ink:

‘Die Ka’bah.’

A circular 'British Museum' blind stamp is located in the lower right corner.

Temporal Context:

This photograph was likely taken by the Egyptian photographer, army engineer and surveyor Muhammad S̱ādiq Bey (1832-1902). The attribution is claimed by Durkje van der Wal in his publication Christiaan Snouck Hurgronje: The First Western Photographer in Mecca, 1884-1885 , Amsterdam : Manfred & Hanna Heiting Fund, Rijksmuseum, 2011, p. 40. As such the picture is likely to date to his 1881 visit to the city. How Christiaan Snouck Hurgronje acquired the image is unknown.

Extent and format
1 photographic print
Physical characteristics

169 x 210 mm


1 photographic print pasted into volume


The print is in good condition with one minor surface loss in the lower portion of the image.



Written in
German in Latin script

المصدر: هنا

محمد عبد الوكيل 05-04-2020 12:57 AM

مبنى الحامدية المتكون من طابقين، وهو مبنى حكومي بناه الحاكم العام عثمان باشا، على يمين الصورة نلاحظ واجهات المحلات


Genre/Subject Matter:

This street view outside the ‘Hamidiyah’, a two-storey building, described in the title as a government building constructed by Governor General Othman Pascha (cf. 1781.b.6/6; 1781.b.6/8), features many individuals in the foreground as well as a further multi-storeyed building on the right of the image. Awnings at the ground-floor level of the building on the right indicate that these may have been storefronts.

The subject of this photograph is probably the same building identified in the drawing of a view inside the Masjid al-Haram (1781.b.6/2) as ‘front-side of the Hamidiyah’, indicating that the building – and therefore the viewpoint in this photograph – was probably situated south of the mosque.

The style of the building is neo-classical with domed arches at the main portico as well as long square-shuttered windows on both floors. It was likely constructed during the reign of the Ottoman Sultan Abdulhamid II (1876–1909) and was therefore relatively new at the time that this photograph was taken. To each side of the main entrance are iron railings and two gas-lamps.

The negative has had hand-work applied, creating a drawing-like quality.


Printed above image, in ink:


Printed beneath image, in ink:

‘Die H̱amīdijjah (von Othman Pascha erbautes Regierungsgebنude).’

A circular 'British Museum' blind stamp is located in the lower right corner.

Extent and format
1 photographic print
Written in
German in Latin script

المصدر: هنا

محمد عبد الوكيل 05-04-2020 12:59 AM

صورة "المحمل المصري" المعمول في الأصل لنقل كسوة الكعبة المصنوعة في مصر، المحمل متبوع بقافلة حجاج، يظهر في وسط الصورة عثمان باشا


Genre/Subject Matter:

This street view depicts the arrival at Mecca of the Egyptian ‘mahmal’ – an embroidered silk-covered structure mounted on a camel – followed by a caravan of pilgrims. Originally designed to contain the Egyptian-made kiswa, the cloth that covers the Caaba, this mahmal would likely have been empty.

Othman Pascha is depicted at the centre foreground of the image, wearing ceremonial robes, featuring a mirrored paisley (boteh) pattern as well as a sash and carrying a sword.


Printed above image, in ink:


Printed beneath image, in ink:

‘Othman Pascha mit dem egyptischen Maẖmal.’

Extent and format
1 print of a drawing
Physical characteristics

187 x 230 mm


1 print of a drawing


The print is in good condition.



Written in
German in Latin script

المصدر: هنا

محمد عبد الوكيل 05-04-2020 01:01 AM

مركز شرطة مكة الرئيسي عبارة عن مبنى جديد متكون من طابقين تظهر أعلاه رموز النجمة والهلال العثمانية، ونلاحظ أسفل يمين المبنى جندي عثماني في موقع الحراسة


Genre/Subject Matter:

This street view depicts the main guardhouse or police station in Mecca, described as being newly built by Othman Pascha. The two-storey building features the Ottoman star and crescent symbols on the cornice and what appears to be a royal toughra at the centre of the pediment. Ottoman soldiers, wearing fezzes stand guard in front.

Several figures appear in small groups on the street in the foreground along with three donkeys and one horse. Although it is not obvious, the title mentions that ‘al Ṣafā’, one of the two hills or mounds at Mecca between which pilgrims run during the hadj or umra in commemoration of Hagar’s search for water to feed her son. The proximity of al Ṣafā to the guardhouse indicates that this scene was close to the Masjid al-Haram.


Printed above image, in ink:


Printed beneath image, in ink:

‘Die von Othman Pascha erbaute Hauptwache (links im Hintergrund èç اafa).’

Extent and format
1 print of a drawing
Physical characteristics

166 x 236 mm


1 print of a drawing


The print is in good condition.



Written in
German in Latin script

المصدر: هنا

محمد عبد الوكيل 05-04-2020 01:05 AM

"Aun al-Rafīq Pasha" شريف مكة من 1882 إلى 1905م


Genre/Subject Matter:

This three-quarter length standing portrait, shows ‘Aun al-Rafīq Pasha who was the Grand Sharīf of Mecca 1882–1905. He faces right.

He wears a turban and ceremonial robe embroidered richly with flower and foliage motifs as well as a sash held together at the waist.

There are six elaborate stelliform and circular badges on the centre and the left of his robe.

The negative has had hand-work applied, causing the image to take on a soft-shaded paint-like quality. In particular the original background has been substituted while the lower right corner appears to have been etched in the negative.


Printed above image, in ink:


Printed beneath image, in ink:

‘Aun èr-Rafīq, Grossscherif von Mekka (1882– ).’

A circular 'British Museum' blind stamp is located in the lower right corner.

Extent and format
1 collotype print
Physical characteristics

235 x 176 mm


1 collotype print


The print is in good condition though several long scratches extending from the lower right edge to the upper centre are evident.



Written in
German in Latin script

المصدر: هنا

محمد عبد الوكيل 05-04-2020 01:09 AM

عثمان باشا؛ الحاكم العام للحجاز لفترة ما بين 1882 إلى 1886م


Genre/Subject Matter:

This full-length length standing portrait, shows Othman Pascha, Governor General of the Hejaz (1882–86).

Othman Pascha faces left, standing upon a richly patterned carpet. He wears a dark-coloured fez and ceremonial robes, featuring a mirrored paisley ( boteh ) pattern at the lower hem and each sleeve, as well as a sash. His left hand grips the pommel of a sword which is held against his body by a sword strap of plaited material.

Three circular badges are suspended from a bar on the left of his robe. Below these a more elaborate stelliform badge is also worn.

The negative has had hand-work applied, causing the image to take on a soft-shaded paint-like quality in places. In particular the original background has been substituted completely.

Temporal Context:

The photograph was taken between 11 June 1885 and 19 September 1885, according to Durkje van der Wal in his publication Christiaan Snouck Hurgronje: The First Western Photographer in Mecca, 1884-1885 , Amsterdam : Manfred & Hanna Heiting Fund, Rijksmuseum, 2011, p. 27. This attribution is based on unpublished correspondence in the Christiaan Snouck Hurgronje Archive, University of Leiden Library.


Printed above image, in ink:


Printed beneath image, in ink:

‘Othman Pascha, Generalgouverneur des H̱idjāz (1882–86).’

A circular 'British Museum' blind stamp is located in the lower right corner.

Extent and format
1 collotype print
Physical characteristics

248 x 184 mm


1 collotype print


The print is in good condition with some minor surface scratching and bowing.



Written in
German in Latin script

المصدر: هنا

محمد عبد الوكيل 05-04-2020 01:16 AM

صورة رجل من بني شيبة؛ مكلف بسدانة الكعبة


Genre/Subject Matter:

This full-length length standing portrait shows a member of the Banī Shaybah, a gatekeeper of the Caaba.

The title notes that descendents of the Shaybah family have held this office since pre-Islamic times.

The man stands facing forward and wears a pale-coloured turban and dark outer robe over a quilted or embroidered robe.

The negative has had hand-work applied, causing the image to take on a soft-shaded paint-like quality in places. In particular the original background has been substituted completely and patterns in the carpet as well as the man’s pale robe have been re-inscribed in the negative.


Printed above image, in ink:


Printed beneath image, in ink:

‘Thorhüter der Ka’bah (aus der Schēbah-Familie, die seit vorislamischer Zeit dies Amt innehat).’

A circular 'British Museum' blind stamp is located in the lower right corner.

Extent and format
1 collotype print
Physical characteristics

246 x 183 mm


1 collotype print


The print is in good condition.



Written in
German in Latin script

المصدر: هنا

محمد عبد الوكيل 05-04-2020 01:19 AM

صورة جمعت تاجر هندي و ثلاثة أتراك وطفل


Genre/Subject Matter:

This group portrait shows an Indian merchant and three Turkish officials as well as a young boy. The title notes that the Indian merchant is ‘distinguished’ or ‘noble’.

While two of the men – seated at left and standing at left – each wear a janbiya at their waist under their outer robes, the man seated second from right holds a sword in its scabbard.

The negative has had hand-work applied, causing it to take on a soft-shaded quality in places. In particular the original background has been substituted completely, aside from elements of the rug on which they are standing and seated.


Printed above image, in ink:


Printed beneath image, in ink:

‘Vornehmer indischer Kaufmann und türkische Beamte in Mekka.’

A circular 'British Museum' blind stamp is located in the lower right corner.

Extent and format
1 collotype print
Physical characteristics

183 x 247 mm


1 collotype print


The print is in good condition.



Written in
German in Latin script

المصدر: هنا

محمد عبد الوكيل 05-04-2020 01:22 AM

صورة تاجر وخادمه


Genre/Subject Matter:

This group portrait shows a merchant, likely a Meccan, described in the title as the representative of the Grand Scharīf, and his Circassian slave.

Both men wear embroidered or printed robes; while the man on the left’s outer robe is made of plain cloth, the merchant’s outer robe is made of material printed with a recurring, perhaps floral pattern and what appear to be embroidered lapels. He carries a string of beads in his right hand and wears a light-coloured turban. The man described as a slave wears a fez.

The negative has had hand-work applied, causing it to take on a soft-shaded quality in places, particularly in the face of the merchant. The original background has been substituted completely.

Temporal Context

The photograph was taken between March 1886 and February 1887, according to Durkje van der Wal in his publication Christiaan Snouck Hurgronje: The First Western Photographer in Mecca, 1884-1885 , Amsterdam : Manfred & Hanna Heiting Fund, Rijksmuseum, 2011, p. 36. This attribution is based on unpublished correspondence in the Christiaan Snouck Hurgronje Archive, University of Leiden Library.


Printed above image, in ink:


Printed beneath image, in ink:

‘Vornehmer Kaufmann (Bevollmنchtigter des Grossscherifs) mit seinem cirkassischen Sklaven.’

A circular 'British Museum' blind stamp is located in the lower right corner.

Extent and format
1 collotype print
Physical characteristics

249 x 185 mm


1 collotype print


The print is in good condition.



Written in
German in Latin script

المصدر: هنا

ميراد 05-04-2020 02:12 AM

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته.

جزاكم الله خيرا على النشر..

الصور للجاسوس الهولندي (كِرِسْتِيَانْ سنُوُك هِرْخُرُونْيَهْ) (Christiaan Snouck Hurgronje) كان مقيم بجدة يراقب منزل أحد الأثرياء الأندونسسين، له كتاب مترجم للعربية في جزئين كتاب صفحات من مكة يوثق الحياة المكية خلال تلك الفترة.

محمد عبد الوكيل 05-04-2020 03:14 PM


المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة ميراد (المشاركة 36968)
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته.

جزاكم الله خيرا على النشر..

الصور للجاسوس الهولندي (كِرِسْتِيَانْ سنُوُك هِرْخُرُونْيَهْ) (christiaan snouck hurgronje) كان مقيم بجدة يراقب منزل أحد الأثرياء الأندونسسين، له كتاب مترجم للعربية في جزئين كتاب صفحات من مكة يوثق الحياة المكية خلال تلك الفترة.

وعليكم السلام ورحمة الله وبركاته

وخيرا جزاكم الله وبارك فيكم .. يبدو مما جاء في بعض المقالات أنه لعب دورا كبيرا في اختراق المجتمع المسلم آنذاك، مكث 6 أشهر في جدة و6 أخرى في مكة .. بعد أن تظاهر الجاسوس باعتناقه الإسلام واستعار لنفسه اسم "عبد الغفار"، درس عادات المجتمع الإسلامي في مكة عن كثب في فرصة قلما أتيحت للكفار بسبب حرمة تواجدهم هناك، ودرس التعاليم الإسلامية ومن أهمها الجهاد وفتاوى دار الإسلام ودار الحرب لاختراق ثورات المسلمين ضد المحتل واضعافها لتسيطر دول الإستعمار الأوربية على البلدان الإسلامية المحتلة.

محمد عبد الوكيل 05-04-2020 03:19 PM

محمد عبد العزيز ابن الشريف الأكبر


Genre/Subject Matter:

This half-length standing portrait shows Muhammad Abd-èl-‘Azīz, the son of the Grand Scharīf. The young boy faces to his left and clutches the hilt of a sword or dagger at his waist.

He wears a loose-fitting robe with a thin sash across his right shoulder and a fez on his head.

The negative has had hand-work applied, causing it to take on a soft-shaded quality in places. The original background has been substituted completely.


Printed above image, in ink:


Printed beneath image, in ink:

‘Muhammed Abd èl-Azīz, Sohn des reg. Grossscherifs.’

A circular 'British Museum' blind stamp is located in the lower right corner.

Extent and format
1 collotype print
Physical characteristics

130 x 94 mm


1 collotype print


The print is in good condition.



Written in
German in Latin script

المصدر: هنا

محمد عبد الوكيل 05-04-2020 03:23 PM

صورة ابن أخ أو أخت الشريف الأكبر


Genre/Subject Matter:

This full-length standing portrait shows a very young boy, described in the title as a nephew of the Grand Scharīf. The boy faces to his left but looks towards the camera. His right hand holds the sash at his waist, which in turn holds a ceremonial janbiya in place.

He wears a loose-fitting robe with a thin sash across his left shoulder and a turban on his head.

The negative has had hand-work applied, causing it to take on a soft-shaded quality in many places. The original background has been substituted completely, except for the carpet the child stands on.


Printed above image, in ink:


Printed beneath image, in ink:

‘Neffe des reg. Grossscherifs’

A circular 'British Museum' blind stamp is located in the lower right corner.

Extent and format
1 collotype print
Physical characteristics

130 x 93 mm


1 collotype print


The print is in good condition.



Written in
German in Latin script

المصدر: هنا

محمد عبد الوكيل 05-04-2020 03:26 PM

صورة ابن أخ أو أخت الشريف الأكبر


Genre/Subject Matter:

This full-length standing portrait shows a very young boy, described in the title as a nephew of the Grand Scharīf. The boy faces forward towards the camera.

A complicated sash, buckle and series of draped fabric or metal chains cover the boy's chest and torso. He wears a dark-coloured hat with a light-coloured or silver circular motif at the front.

The negative has had hand-work applied, causing it to take on a soft-shaded quality in places. The original background has been substituted completely, except for the white sheet the child stands on.

See also 1781.b.6/15


Printed above image, in ink:


Printed beneath image, in ink:

‘Neffe des reg. Grossscherifs’

A circular 'British Museum' blind stamp is located in the lower right corner.

Extent and format
1 collotype print
Physical characteristics

130 x 94 mm


1 collotype print


The print is in good condition.



Written in
German in Latin script

المصدر: هنا

محمد عبد الوكيل 05-04-2020 03:28 PM

صورة ابن أخ أو أخت الشريف الأكبر


Genre/Subject Matter:

This full-length standing portrait shows a very young boy, described in the title as a nephew of the Grand Scharīf. The boy faces forward towards the camera.

A complicated sash, buckle and series of draped fabric or metal chains cover the boy’s chest and torso. He wears a dark-coloured hat with a light-coloured or silver circular motif at the front.

The negative has had hand-work applied, causing it to take on a soft-shaded quality in places. The original background has been substituted completely.

See also 1781.b.6/14


Printed above image, in ink:


Printed beneath image, in ink:

‘Neffe des reg. Grossscherifs’

A circular 'British Museum' blind stamp is located in the lower right corner.

Extent and format
1 collotype print
Physical characteristics

130 x 94 mm


1 collotype print


The print is in good condition.



Written in
German in Latin script

المصدر: هنا

محمد عبد الوكيل 05-04-2020 03:32 PM

صورة لرجل مبجل (سيد) التقطت في مكة


Genre/Subject Matter:

This full-length seated portrait of a bearded man described as a ‘distinguished sayyid’ was taken in Mecca. The man faces to his right but looks towards the camera. In his left hand he holds the hilt of a sheathed scimitar.

He wears a plain, dark-coloured outer robe with richly embroidered lapels and an honorific stelliform badge at his neck, as well as a white turban with a dark-coloured cap.

The negative has had hand-work applied, causing it to take on a soft-shaded quality in places. The original background has been substituted completely, except for the carpet on which the sitter’s chair is placed.


Printed above image, in ink:


Printed beneath image, in ink:

‘Vornehmer Sèjjid in Mekka’

A circular 'British Museum' blind stamp is located in the lower right corner.

Extent and format
1 collotype print
Physical characteristics

130 x 96 mm


1 collotype print


The print is in good condition.



Written in
German in Latin script

المصدر: هنا

محمد عبد الوكيل 05-04-2020 03:34 PM

صورة سيد التقطت في مكة


Genre/Subject Matter:

This full-length seated portrait of a bearded man at Mecca is described in the title as a ‘distinguished sayyid’. The man stands to his right but looks towards the camera. In his left hand he holds the ornate hilt of a sheathed scimitar.

He wears a plain, dark-coloured double-breasted outer robe across which a plaited sword strap is draped. He wears a janbiya at his waist and white keffiyeh held in place by a dark-coloured agal.

The negative has had hand-work applied, causing it to take on a soft-shaded quality in places. The original background has been substituted completely, except for the carpet on which the sitter’s chair is placed.


Printed above image, in ink:


Printed beneath image, in ink:

‘Vornehmer Sèjjid in Mekka’

A circular 'British Museum' blind stamp is located in the lower right corner.

Extent and format
1 collotype print
Physical characteristics

130 x 96 mm


1 collotype print


The print is in good condition.



Written in
German in Latin script

المصدر: هنا

محمد عبد الوكيل 05-04-2020 03:36 PM

Genre/Subject Matter:

This full-length seated portrait of a bearded man shows a muezzin, a public crier who proclaims the hours of prayer from a minaret or roof of a mosque. The man faces forward and looks towards the camera. In his right hand he holds the handle of a pale-coloured umbrella or parasol.

He wears a plain, dark-coloured outer robe over a white buttoned undershirt or jalabiya, with a pale-coloured turban on his head.

The negative has had hand-work applied, causing it to take on a soft-shaded quality in places.


Printed above image, in ink:


Printed beneath image, in ink:

‘Mu’èddin (Aufrufer zum Gottesdienste)’

A circular 'British Museum' blind stamp is located in the lower right corner.

Extent and format
1 collotype print
Physical characteristics

130 x 96 mm


1 collotype print


The print is in good condition.



Written in
German in Latin script

المصدر: هنا

محمد عبد الوكيل 05-04-2020 03:39 PM

صورة كاتب الشريف الأكبر


Genre/Subject Matter:

This full-length seated portrait of a bearded man shows a scribe of the Grand Sharīf, who indicates his profession by posing with a piece of paper in his left hand while dipping his pen in inkwith his right.

He wears a plain, dark-coloured outer robe fastened at his waist with a pale-coloured turban on his head. To his right a three-legged, octagonal table carries a rectangular tray of pots. The surface of the table may be inlaid.

The negative has had hand-work applied, causing it to take on a soft-shaded quality in places. In particular, the man’s feet have been over-drawn due to overexposure at the lower edge of the photograph.


Printed above image, in ink:


Printed beneath image, in ink:

'Kātib (Schreiber) des Grossscherifs'

A circular 'British Museum' blind stamp is located in the lower right corner.

Extent and format
1 collotype print
Physical characteristics

130 x 97 mm


1 collotype print


The print is in good condition.



Written in
German in Latin script

المصدر: هنا

محمد عبد الوكيل 05-04-2020 03:43 PM

صورة طبيب في مكة، الراجح أنه الطبيب المصور السيد عبد الغفار الذي شارك كِرِسْتِيَانْ سنُوُك هِرْخُرُونْيَهْ في عمليات تصوير


Genre/Subject Matter:

This full-length seated portrait of a bearded man shows a Meccan doctor, likely the photographer al-Sayyid ʻAbd al-Ghaffār, who collaborated with the photographer Christiaan Snouck Hurgronje.

He wears a plain, dark-coloured outer robe over a white buttoned undershirt and white cummerbund, with a pale-coloured turban on his head. In his right hand the doctor grips the handle of a dark-coloured umbrella or parasol. On his feet he wears knotted leather sandals.

The negative does not appear to have had hand-work applied, except for the background, which may have been substituted.


Printed above image, in ink:


Printed beneath image, in ink:

‘Mekkanischer Arzt.’

A circular 'British Museum' blind stamp is located in the lower right corner.

Extent and format
1 collotype print
Physical characteristics

132 x 972 mm


1 collotype print


The print is in good condition.



Written in
German in Latin script

المصدر: هنا

محمد عبد الوكيل 05-04-2020 03:45 PM

صورة ابن الطبيب


Genre/Subject Matter:

This full-length seated portrait of a young man shows the son of the doctor shown in 1781.b.6/20, likely the photographer al-Sayyid ʻAbd al-Ghaffār, who collaborated with the photographer Christiaan Snouck Hurgronje.

He wears a plain, dark-coloured outer robe over a patterned jalabiya, with a pale-coloured turban on his head. In his right hand the man grips the handle of a light-coloured umbrella or parasol. On his feet he wears shoes featuring an ornate buckle.

The negative has had hand-work applied, causing it to take on a soft-shaded quality in places. In particular, the man’s feet have been over-drawn due to overexposure at the lower left corner of the photograph.


Printed above image, in ink:


Printed beneath image, in ink:

‘Sohn des Arztes.’

A circular 'British Museum' blind stamp is located in the lower right corner.

Extent and format
1 collotype print
Physical characteristics

132 x 972 mm


1 collotype print


The print is in good condition.



Written in
German in Latin script

المصدر: هنا

محمد عبد الوكيل 05-04-2020 03:48 PM

صورة غلامين من بني شيبة


Genre/Subject Matter:

This full length standing portrait shows two young sons of the Banī Shaybah family, gatekeepers of the Caaba.

The two boys stand side-by-side in matching light-coloured outer robes, which are embroidered at the lapels; under their outer robes each of the boys wears a patterned jalabiya . These garments appear to be cut from the same cloth, except that the pattern is inverted.

The boy on the left wears a pale-coloured turban but the boy on the right wears a keffiyeh held in place by an agal.

The negative has had hand-work applied, causing it to take on a soft-shaded quality in places. In particular, the background appears to have been substituted.


Printed above image, in ink:


Printed beneath image, in ink:

'Kinder aus der Familie der Benī Schēbah (Thorhüter der Ka’bah).'

A circular 'British Museum' blind stamp is located in the lower right corner.

Extent and format
1 collotype print
Physical characteristics

131 x 93 mm


1 collotype print


The print is in good condition.



Written in
German in Latin script

المصدر: هنا

محمد عبد الوكيل 05-04-2020 03:50 PM

صورة سيد التقطت في مكة


Genre/Subject Matter:

This full length seated portrait of a bearded man shows a sayyid in Mecca.

The man is seated on an upholstered seat with bolster cushions on either side of him. These are covered in a patterned fabric featuring roses, pomegranates and other botanical motifs. See also 1781.b.6/24

The man wears an outer robe and white turban with a dark-coloured cap.

The negative has had hand-work applied, causing it to take on a soft-shaded quality in places. In particular, the background appears to have been substituted, aside from the carpet on which the man is seated.


Printed above image, in ink:


Printed beneath image, in ink:

'Sèjjid in Mekka.'

A circular 'British Museum' blind stamp is located in the lower right corner.

Extent and format
1 collotype print
Physical characteristics

131 x 91 mm


1 collotype print


The print is in good condition.



Written in
German in Latin script

المصدر: هنا

محمد عبد الوكيل 05-04-2020 03:54 PM

صورة رجل مكي


Genre/Subject Matter:

This full length seated portrait, facing forward and looking towards the camera, shows a bearded man, described simply as 'a Meccan'.

The man is seated on an upholstered seat with bolster cushions on either side of him. These are covered in a patterned fabric featuring roses, pomegranates and other botanical motifs. See also 1781.b.6/23

The man wears a dark-coloured outer robe, star-patterned jalabiya underneath it and a white turban with a dark-coloured cap. On both hands he wears rings and ornately-buckled shoes.

The negative has had hand-work applied, causing it to take on a soft-shaded quality in places. In particular, the background appears to have been substituted, aside from the carpet on which the man is seated.

Extent and format
1 collotype print
Physical characteristics

127 x 90 mm


1 collotype print


The print is in good condition.



Written in
German in Latin script

المصدر: هنا

محمد عبد الوكيل 05-04-2020 03:55 PM

صورة تاجرين من مكة وجدة


Genre/Subject Matter:

This full length seated portrait of two men shows two traders, from Mecca and Jeddah. Both face forward, looking towards the camera.

The man on the left wears a medium-tone outer robe over a striped robe with a white turban. The man on the right wears a white outer robe over a buttoned inner jacket and a white turban.

The two men are seated in what appears to be a courtyard space, with plants visible behind them.

The negative has had hand-work applied, causing it to take on a soft-shaded quality in places. In particular, the part of the face of the man on the right that is shaded has been reinscribed.


Printed above image, in ink:


Printed beneath image, in ink:

'Kaufleute (Mekka und Djiddah)'.

A circular 'British Museum' blind stamp is located in the lower right corner.

Extent and format
1 collotype print
Physical characteristics

128 x 90 mm


1 collotype print


The print is in good condition.



Written in
German in Latin script

المصدر: هنا

محمد عبد الوكيل 05-04-2020 04:00 PM

علي ريجيس، من المؤذنين، يُفترض أنه من نسل عبد الله ابن الزبير


Genre/Subject Matter:

This full length seated portrait shows Ali Rèjjis, described as a member of the dynasty of most senior muezzinīn (public criers who proclaim the hours of prayer from a minaret or roof of a mosque), supposed descendants of ʿAbd Allāh b. al-Zubayr, the first Muslim born at Medina after the hijra. He faces forward, looking towards the photographer.

The man wears a dark-coloured outer robe over a check-patterned robe (see also 1781.b.6/27) and white turban on his head. On the little finger of his right hand he wears a ring and on his feet, polished leather shoes.

The negative has had hand-work applied, causing it to take on a soft-shaded quality in places. In particular, the original background has been substituted completely.


Printed above image, in ink:


Printed beneath image, in ink:

Ali Rèjjis (aus einem Geschlechte von Obersten der Mu’èddinin, welches von Abdallah ibn Zubair herstammen soll).

A circular 'British Museum' blind stamp is located in the lower right corner.

Extent and format
1 collotype print
Physical characteristics

128 x 90 mm


1 collotype print


The print is in good condition.



Written in
German in Latin script

المصدر: هنا

محمد عبد الوكيل 05-04-2020 04:02 PM

Genre/Subject Matter:

This full length seated portrait shows a muezzin, a public crier who proclaims the hours of prayer from a minaret or roof of a mosque. He faces to his right and looks forward.

The man wears a dark-coloured outer robe over a patterned robe identical to that worn by Ali Rèjjis in 1781.b.6/26 as well as a white turban with a dark-coloured cap, a ring on the little finger of his right hand and polished leather shoes.

The negative has had hand-work applied, causing it to take on a soft-shaded quality in places. In particular, the area around the man’s feet and lower robes has been entirely reinscribed.


Printed above image, in ink:


Printed beneath image, in ink:

'Mu’èddin (Aufrufer zum Gottesdienste).’

A circular 'British Museum' blind stamp is located in the lower right corner.

Extent and format
1 collotype print
Physical characteristics

128 x 90 mm


1 collotype print


The print is in good condition.



Written in
German in Latin script

المصدر: هنا

محمد عبد الوكيل 05-04-2020 04:05 PM

صورة رجلين من الشرفاء (من أهل بيت النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم)


Genre/Subject Matter:

This full length seated portrait shows two men, described in the title as ‘members of various shereef families,' i.e. descendants of Muhammad via his daughter Fatima. They face slightly to the left, looking forward.

The man on the right wears a dark-coloured robe, a pale-coloured, tasselled keffiyeh held in place by a dark-coloured agal and sandals. At his waist a janbiya can be seen emerging from his robes and he wears a ring on his little finger.

The man on the left wears a pale-coloured outer-robe that is heavily embellished, perhaps embroidered, along the lapels over a white robe. On his head he wears a white turban with a dark-coloured cap. He wears polished leather shoes and he, too, wears a janbiya, which emerges from under his robe at the waist.

The negative has had hand-work applied, causing it to take on a soft-shaded quality in places. In particular, the background has been substituted, though the mat on which they are seated remains.


Printed above image, in ink:


A circular 'British Museum' blind stamp is located in the lower right corner.

Extent and format
1 collotype print
Physical characteristics

127 x 95 mm


1 collotype print


The print is in good condition.



Written in
German in Latin script

المصدر: هنا

محمد عبد الوكيل 05-04-2020 04:06 PM

صورة رجل من الشرفاء


Genre/Subject Matter:

This full length portrait shows a man, described as a ‘member of a shereef family’, i.e. a descendant of Muhammad via his daughter Fatima. He faces forward, looking toward the camera.

The man wears a mid-coloured outer-robe over a pale-coloured robe with a large janbiya held at his waist with a dark-coloured sash. His mid-coloured keffiyeh is held in place by an agal.

The negative has had hand-work applied, causing it to take on a soft-shaded quality in places. In particular, the background has been substituted completely and the pattern in the carpet on which he stands has been reinscribed.


Printed above image, in ink:


A circular 'British Museum' blind stamp is located in the lower right corner.

Extent and format
1 collotype print
Physical characteristics

128 x 95 mm


1 collotype print


The print is in good condition.



Written in
German in Latin script

المصدر: هنا

محمد عبد الوكيل 05-04-2020 04:09 PM

صورة رجل من الشرفاء


Genre/Subject Matter:

This full length seated portrait shows a man, described as a ‘member of a shereef family’, i.e. a descendant of Muhammad via his daughter Fatima. He faces slightly left and looks forward.

The man wears a dark-coloured outer-robe over a pale-coloured robe, open at the neck. A large janbiya is held at his waist. His keffiyeh is held in place by a dark-coloured agal.


Printed above image, in ink:


A circular 'British Museum' blind stamp is located in the lower right corner.

Extent and format
1 collotype print
Physical characteristics

127 x 96 mm


1 collotype print


The print is in good condition.



Written in
German in Latin script

المصدر: هنا

محمد عبد الوكيل 05-04-2020 04:11 PM

صورة رجلين من الشرفاء


Genre/Subject Matter:

This full length portrait shows two men, described as ‘members of various shereef families,' i.e. a descendant of Muhammad via his daughter Fatima.They face slightly left, looking forward.

Both men wear dark-coloured outer-robes over a pale-coloured robes, open at the neck. Each wears a large janbiya held at his waist with a dark-coloured sash. On their heads they wear pale-coloured turbans and they each hold the handle of an umbrella or parasol in their right hands: that of the man on the right is pale-coloured while that of the man on the left is dark-coloured.


Printed above image, in ink:


A circular 'British Museum' blind stamp is located in the lower right corner.

Extent and format
1 collotype print
Physical characteristics

127 x 96 mm


1 collotype print


The print is in good condition.



Written in
German in Latin script

المصدر: هنا

محمد عبد الوكيل 05-04-2020 04:15 PM

Genre/Subject Matter:

This dark-coloured print reproduces a section of the patterns inscribed on the kiswa, the black brocade cloth that covers the Caaba.

Lighter lined areas delineated the decorative script and surrounding zigzag patterns. Within the zigzagged middle section of the piece the words of the shahāda are written – ‘lā ‘ilāha illā-llāh, muḥammadun rasūlu-llāh’ – the Muslim profession of faith.

The word ‘Allah’ is twice repeated in the chevron-shaped below this.

The title indicates that this reproduction is a quarter of the size of the original.


Printed above image, in ink:


Printed beneath image, in ink:

‘Ein Stück der Kiswah (der brokanten Bekleidung der Ka’bah). ¼ der Originalgrِsse.’

Extent and format
1 print
Physical characteristics

169 x 227 mm


1 print


The print is in good condition.



Written in
German in Latin script

المصدر: هنا

محمد عبد الوكيل 05-04-2020 04:45 PM

صورة 12 رجلا يحمل بعضهم آلات موسيقية، وصفهم صاحب الكتاب ب "العبيد الزنوج"


Genre/Subject Matter:

This two-colour printed drawing shows a troupe of twelve seated and standing men, several holding musical instruments. They are described as ‘negro slaves’ and are part of the ‘tumburah orchestra’.

The word ‘tumburah’ (also: Tanbūr, Tanbura, Tambura or Tanboor) refers to the six-stringed harp-like musical instrument held by the man seated at centre. The instrument is adorned with two fans of feathers and is apparently plucked with the fingers.

Four other men sit or crouch, holding various drums between their knees. To the right of the man at centre a man stands, wearing a form of girdle, which is perhaps decorated with sheep’s hooves as described in the 1931 translation of Christiaan Snouck Hurgronje’s Mekka in the Latter Part of the 19th Century: Daily Life, Customs and Learning (pp. 11–12).

Although the drawing may have been taken from a photograph, the illustrator has portrayed the faces of the men in a way that makes evident certain nineteenth century racial preconceptions and ideologies.


Printed above image, in ink:


Printed beneath image, in ink:

‘Negersklaven mit dem Ṯْmburah-orchester.’

Extent and format
1 print
Physical characteristics

214 x 264 mm


1 print


The print is in good condition.



Written in
German in Latin script

المصدر: هنا

محمد عبد الوكيل 05-04-2020 04:49 PM

حاجّان من منطقة سوكابورا (جاوة الشرقية حاليا؛ إندونيسيا)


Genre/Subject Matter:

This full-length seated portrait shows two men, described as [Muslim] pilgrims from Sukapura, an area in modern-day East Java.

The man on the right wears a checked jacket over a checked sarong, which may be a form of teluk beskap . He wears a stripe-printed turban on his head, sandals on his feet and across his body is a dark-coloured strap. The man on the left also wears a shirt-jacket and sarong of pale-colour, which may be a teluk beskap , as well as a pale-coloured turban on his head.

The negative has had hand-work applied, particularly about the feet.


Printed above image, in ink:


Printed beneath image, in ink:

‘Pilger aus Sukapura (Java).’

A circular 'British Museum' blind stamp is located in the lower left corner.

Extent and format
1 collotype print
Physical characteristics

138 x 98 mm


1 collotype print


The print is in good condition.



Written in
German in Latin script

المصدر: هنا

محمد عبد الوكيل 05-04-2020 05:04 PM

صورة حاجّين من منطقة سولاوسي (جزيرة إندونيسية)


Genre/Subject Matter:

This full-length seated portrait shows two [Muslim] Buginese pilgrims from Sulawesi, an island in Indonesia formerly known as Celebes.

The man on the right wears a mid-coloured robe or jacket and sarong, which may be a form of teluk beskap, over an embroidered waistcoat. He wears a printed turban on his head and sandals on his feet. The man on the left wears a jacket and checked sarong, which may be a teluk beskap, as well as a turban on his head.

The two men are seated on chairs in a courtyard-like space with foliage visible in the background.


Printed above image, in ink:


Printed beneath image, in ink:

‘Buginesische Pilger (Celébes).’

A circular 'British Museum' blind stamp is located in the lower right corner.

Extent and format
1 collotype print
Written in
German in Latin script

المصدر: هنا

محمد عبد الوكيل 05-04-2020 05:08 PM

صورة حاجين من سولوك، سومطرة، إندونيسيا


Genre/Subject Matter:

This portrait shows two [Muslim] pilgrims from Solok, a city in West Sumatra. Both men squat face-foward, looking towards the camera.

The man on the right wears a patterned-turban and pale-coloured shirt, open at the neck as well as sandals on his feet. He holds a piece of paper in his left hand. Similarly, the man on left wears a dark-coloured hat, a shirt and sarong or trousers, leather shoes and a ring on his right little finger. He also holdsa piece of paper in his left hand.

The two men are photographed in a courtyard-like space with foliage visible in the background.


Printed above image, in ink:


Printed beneath image, in ink:

‘Pilger aus Solok (Sumلtra).’

A circular 'British Museum' blind stamp is located in the lower left corner.

Extent and format
1 collotype print
Physical characteristics

138 x 98 mm


1 collotype print


The print is in good condition.



Written in
German in Latin script

المصدر: هنا

محمد عبد الوكيل 05-04-2020 05:10 PM

صورة حاجّة من منطقة بانتن، إندونيسيا


Genre/Subject Matter:

This full-length seated portrait shows a woman, described as a [Muslim] pilgrim from Banten, the westernmost province on the island of Java. She sits face forward, looking towards the camera.

The woman is dressed in white hijab, which covers her from head to foot. Her head piece is particularly wide and is shaped like an inverse-boat. On her feet she wears embellished slippers and she appears to be holding a printed cloth or handkerchief in her left hand.

The negative has had hand-work applied, causing it to take on a soft-shaded quality in places. In particular, the background has been substituted completely, and the ground to the right of her leg seems to be entirely reinscribed.

Temporal Context:

The photograph was taken between 7 and 17 November 1884, according to Durkje van der Wal in his publication Christiaan Snouck Hurgronje: The First Western Photographer in Mecca, 1884-1885, Amsterdam : Manfred & Hanna Heiting Fund, Rijksmuseum, 2011, p. 36. This attribution is based on unpublished diaries and correspondence in the Christiaan Snouck Hurgronje Archive, University of Leiden Library.


Printed above image, in ink:


Printed beneath image, in ink:

‘Pilgerin aus Banten (Java).’

A circular 'British Museum' blind stamp is located in the right left corner.

Extent and format
1 collotype print
Physical characteristics

139 x 98 mm


1 collotype print


The print is in good condition.



Written in
German in Latin script

المصدر: هنا

محمد عبد الوكيل 05-04-2020 05:13 PM

صورة لثلاثة حجّاج من البصرة، العراق


Genre/Subject Matter:

This full-length seated portrait shows three pilgrims from Baçrah (latterly Basra or Basrah), in modern-day Iraq. They sit facing the camera.

The man on the right is dressed in a vertically striped robe with a sash at his waist and a turban of printed material on his head. The man in the middle wears a predominantly white checked robe with a mid-coloured outer robe open over it, a sash at his waist and a printed turban on his head. He holds a pen-shaped object in his right hand. The man on the left wears a dark-outer robe over several other layers of clothing. His head is covered by a keffiyeh (or ghutrah) held in place by an agal made of twisted cloth. In his left hand the man holds a pen-shaped object, spherically shaped at one end.

The three men are photographed in a courtyard-like space with foliage visible in the background.


Printed above image, in ink:


Printed beneath image, in ink:

‘Pilger aus Baçrah.’

A circular 'British Museum' blind stamp is located in the lower left corner.

Extent and format
1 collotype print
Physical characteristics

103 x 138 mm


1 collotype print


The print is in good condition.



Written in
German in Latin script

المصدر: هنا

الساعة الآن 11:00 AM بتوقيت الرياض

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